Dreamy Test
Zhonglin Li © 2022.08
- 本测试是一套不限时智力测试,严格意义来说它可以被当成是一个智力游戏,解题人需要通过个人的思考最终解出谜题。部分题目需要用到一些生活中的小常识,解题时请仔细观察题目。
- 测试一共有20题,除了第12题以外每题都需要完全回答正确才可以得1分,第12题只回答对A题或B题得0.5分。
- 本测试最多可以提交两次,且比赛期间(比赛时间:2023.1.1-2023.12.31)可以免费提交测试。
- 请严格遵守测试规则,不与他人交流或讨论测试题目的答案或者解题思路,个人独立完成测试。
- 提交测试请连同您的真实姓名、年龄、性别、之前参与过的权威或知名高分段智力测试智商得分与您的个人身份证明(身份证、学生证、护照等,敏感信息可遮挡,例如照片、身份证号码等,但需要露出姓名、性别以及年龄,不提供身份证明则不予批改)一同发送至邮箱leozlin@qq.com,在您提交测试后7天内会发送测试报告。
- 由于测试还在比赛过程,所以暂时不提供量表。
- 最后祝您解题愉快!
Test Introduction:
This test is a unlimited intelligence test, strict sense it can be as an intellectual game, people need the problem solving through personal thinking eventually solve the riddle. Some of the questions need to use some common sense in life, please observe the questions carefully when solving them.
There are twenty questions in the test, you should solve the whole problem completely to get 1 point, answering only one of the questions on question 12 will earn you half a point.l this test can be submitted twice, and during the competition can submit test for free. (2023.1.1-2023.12.31)
Strictly obey the rules of the test, please don’t communicate with others or discuss the answer or way for test purpose, personal independence to complete the test.
Submit testing please send answer with your full name, age, gender, famous intelligence test scores and your personal identification (id card, student card, passport, etc.) and sent to leozlin@qq.com. The test report will be sent within 7 days after you submit the test.
Finally I hope that you can enjoy the test!
Part 1: Shape
【1】 d, p :: b, ?
【2】 H, I, ?, O, ?, X, Z
【3】 A, H, ?, ?, O, W, X
【4】 A, H, ?, ?, R, W, X
Part 2: Sequence
【5】 3167425 => 2615734 :: 195768234 => ?
【6】 1, 16, 219, 2856, 37129, ?, 6274851, 81573072
【7】 2?5??1?3?7?9?3?9????
【8】 5, 4, ?, 3 (Please explain your solution.)
Part 3: Numbers
【9】 111111, 125000, ?, 166666, 200000, 250000, ?, 500000
【10】 351742, 4, 7, 7, 4, ?, ?, ?, 3, 0, 1, 6, 135748
【11】 1+1=2, 2+4=2, 5+5=5, 11+3=13, 13+1=17, 15+5=?, 14+8=?
【12A】 1, 6, 120, 0, 120, ?, ?
【12B】 1, 5, 15, 25, 20, ?, ?
Part 4: Time
【13】 Y, M, W, ?, H, M, ?
【14】 ?, ?, W, T, F, ?, ?
【15】 ?, AJSN, 97/400F, 303/400F
Part 5: Hint
【English】 13, 23, ?, 44, 54, ?, 75, 85, ?
【fill】 satur, urans, mas, venu, arth = ?
1 13 9 16 16
4 19 18 16 9
9 9 ? 16 ?
7 10 4 9 1
7 9 13 10 9
【news】 5, ?, 4, ? (Please explain your solution.)
E A ??
A O ??
Test End
About Author:
Zhonglin Li, Founder and President of:
Hidden Position Society (IQ120+ SD15)
Secret Society (IQ140+ SD15)
Dark Pavilion Society (IQ164+ SD15)
Test Scores:
Numerus 25/30 IQ179+ SD15
Logic Assessment–Numerical 45/45 IQ179+ SD15
Strict Logic Sequence Examination II 22/30 IQ174+ SD15
Algebrica 18/32 IQ162.4+ SD15