a. Benefits
- Forum to communicate ideas with other members
- Journal to read and submit your work or anything you might find of interest – no censorship!
- Participate, create, and have full control of your own Certain Curiosity Clubs based on your focused interests
Will be advertised on the Opal Quest Group website and in other publications
Private section on the forum will be created
Create your own journals/newsletters, events, contests, etc.
- Other secret membership benefits not mentioned here!
b. General High IQ Societies
Bright Society – IQ 110 (SD 15)
Above Horizon – IQ 137 (SD 15)
Nebula Society – IQ 145 (SD 15)
Myriad Society – IQ 156 (SD 15)
Synaptiq Society – IQ 168 (SD 15)
Sidis Society – IQ 180 (SD 15)
c. Special High Range Societies
Psychic Society of Intuitives (PSI) – High Psi society
Guild of Advanced Multiple Mental Aptitudes (GAMMA) – High Range society, based on multiple test types
High Range Testees Registry (HRTR) – High Range society, based on the number of high range tests (IQ/Psi) taken
League of Perfect Scorers (LPS) – High Range society, based on achieving perfect scores on IQ and psychic tests
Society of Intelligent Personalities (SIP) – 95th percentile High IQ society, based on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
Society of Advancing Requirements (SOAR) – High IQ society with a requirement that increases as membership grows
d. Networks
Opal Quest Group – Network composed of the above 12 societies originating on this website
GLobal All-inclusive Society System (GLASS) – Network of inclusive societies