99.99997 th percentile; IQ 175 sd15, IQ 180 sd16
≥ 5 standard deviations above the mean
3rd WIN member society (since 01/2001)
OLYMPIQ is a society for people with an extremely high IQ (intelligence quotient) at, or above, the fifth standard deviation above the statistical mean of the general, unselected population; it stands as one of the most exclusive, extremely High-IQ, organizations.
Despite the fact that several definitions of Intelligence and IQ are disputed; and although a scientifically based and normed calculation at this level is critical because the reference groups are very small, plus the fact that research has not yet been performed extensively, the credibility of the society remains relatively high:
– only a few standardized (i.e. objective, reliable and valid), supervised tests are accepted;
– all the results are analyzed by psychometricians and psychologists who have experience and knowledge about the latest research in high IQ testing;
– the psychologist and institute who have performed the tests with the candidate are contacted and the results and observations made during the tests are discussed;
– the calculation, extrapolation and interpretation of results, plus indications in the tests and sub-tests, are based upon a considerable number of reference tests, the available reference groups, and the respective correlation studies;
– as far as possible, several tests performed by the same candidate are analyzed and compared.