World Intelligence Network



The aim of the WIN organization and the related projects is to facilitate communication among members of the affiliated societies. The World Intelligence Network welcomes affiliations with High IQ Societies, which announce a minimum membership requirement of at least one standard deviation above the statistical mean (top 15% of the unselected population).

Considered of major interest are the issues concerning people of a high IQ capacity, as well as for more general, real-life topics.

Therefore WIN boards have been created and these fully support the interactions and discussions in separate specialized sections, that is, among members of each society, officers of each society, all the affiliated WIN societies’ members, and all the WIN societies’ officers, plus the WIN Executive Committee’s members.

The intrinsic function of the organization is based on the voluntary contribution and investment of time and mind by each one of the members. Articles and contributions from WIN members are published in the WIN ONline Editions journal.

The function of the WIN organization is well described and analyzed in the WIN Constitutional Statement (available also in Japanese). WIN CS is always current and characteristic of the WIN community function and it is an up-to-date presentation of the WIN status.

The external activities are focused on the development of the communication with  other IQ societies (as well as with governments, companies, organizations and individuals) where we identify and agree, via decisions made by the WIN Executive Committee, on matters of interest, and we participate in projects like think-tanks or other time-limited activities, which may concern directly people with a high IQ, or are of general interest to the concerned parties.

Democracy, respect and liberty as regards publishing is provided and wholly protected by the WIN organization and its functional base. Restrictions and limitations are only applied when violations of common ethical codes and human respect occur.

The WIN Constitution defines the organization’s orientation against racism and any discrimination. The IQ societies associated with WIN are not related with or focused on any specific religion, race, country, culture or political opinion.

WIN manages events, activities or decisions that are made in all the affiliated societies and regard only events external to each society which affect more than one WIN-society, or the general WIN policy.




